Development Standards

These are build standards that are adhered to by the core development team while developing Read the Docs and related services. If you are a new contributor to Read the Docs, it might a be a good idea to follow these guidelines as well. The standard installation instructions do cover what it takes to get started with a local installation of Read the Docs and can be used for local development by non-core team.


Take into account that Core team does not offer support on this setup currently.

Core team standards

Core team members expect to have a development environment that closely approximates our production environment, in order to spot bugs and logical inconsistencies before they make their way to production.

Currently, core team members are migrating to a Docker Compose based solution that is not yet recommended for contributing to development.

This solution gives us many features that allows us to have an environment closer to production:

Celery runs as a separate process
Avoids masking bugs that could be introduced by Celery tasks in a race conditions.
Celery runs multiple processes
We run celery with multiple worker processes to discover race conditions between tasks.
Docker for builds
Docker is used for a build backend instead of the local host build backend. There are a number of differences between the two execution methods in how processes are executed, what is installed, and what can potentially leak through and mask bugs – for example, local SSH agent allowing code check not normally possible.
Serve documentation under a subdomain
There are a number of resolution bugs and cross-domain behavior that can only be caught by using USE_SUBDOMAIN setting.
PostgreSQL as a database
It is recommended that Postgres be used as the default database whenever possible, as SQLite has issues with our Django version and we use Postgres in production. Differences between Postgres and SQLite should be masked for the most part however, as Django does abstract database procedures, and we don’t do any Postgres-specific operations yet.
Celery is isolated from database
Celery workers on our build servers do not have database access and need to be written to use API access instead.
Use NGINX as web server
All the site is served via NGINX with the ability to change some configuration locally.
Azurite as Django storage backend
All static and media files are served using Azurite –an emulator of Azure Blob Storage, which is the one used in production.
Serve documentation via El Proxito
Documentation is proxied by NGINX to El Proxito and proxied back to NGINX to be served finally. El Proxito is a small application put in front of the documentation to serve files from the Django Storage Backend.
Search enabled by default
Elasticsearch is properly configured and enabled by default. Besides, all the documentation indexes are updated after a build is finished.

Set up your environment

After cloning repository, you need to

  1. install Docker following their installation guide.

  2. install the requirements from common submodule:

    pip install -r common/dockerfiles/requirements.txt
  3. build the Docker image for the servers:


    This command could take a while to finish since it will download several Docker images.



    If you pass GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to this command, it will add support for readthedocs-ext.

  4. pull down Docker images for the builders:

    inv docker.pull --only-latest
  5. start all the containers:

    inv docker.up  --init  # --init is only needed the first time
  6. go to to access your local instance of Read the Docs.

Working with Docker Compose

We wrote a wrapper with invoke around docker-compose to have some shortcuts and save some work while typing docker compose commands. This section explains these invoke commands:

Builds the generic Docker image used by our servers (web, celery, build and proxito).
inv docker.up

Starts all the containers needed to run Read the Docs completely.

  • --no-search can be passed to disable search
  • --init is used the first time this command is ran to run initial migrations, create an admin user, setup Azurite containers, etc
  • --no-reload makes all celery processes and django runserver to use no reload and do not watch for files changes

Opens a shell in a container (web by default).

  • --running the shell is open in a container that it’s already running
  • --container specifies in which container the shell is open
inv docker.manage {command}

Executes a Django management command in a container.


Useful when modifying models to run makemigrations.

inv docker.down

Stops and removes all containers running.

  • --volumes will remove the volumes as well (database data will be lost)
inv docker.restart {containers}
Restarts the containers specified (automatically restarts NGINX when needed).
inv docker.attach {container}

Grab STDIN/STDOUT control of a running container.


Useful to debug with pdb. Once the program has stopped in your pdb line, you can run inv docker.attach web and jump into a pdb session (it also works with ipdb and pdb++)

inv docker.test

Runs all the test suites inside the container.

  • --arguments will pass arguments to Tox command (e.g. --arguments "-e py36 -- -k test_api")
inv docker.pull

Downloads and tags all the Docker images required for builders.

  • --only-latest does not pull stable and testing images.

Adding a new Python dependency

The Docker image for the servers is built with the requirements defined in the master branch. In case you need to add a new Python dependency while developing, you can use the common/dockerfiles/entrypoints/ script as shortcut.

This script is run at startup on all the servers (web, celery, builder, proxito) which allows you to test your dependency without re-building the whole image. To do this, add the pip command required for your dependency in file:

pip install my-dependency==1.2.3

Once the PR that adds this dependency was merged into master, you can rebuild the image so the dependency is added to the Docker image itself and it’s not needed to be installed each time the container spins up.

Debugging Celery

In order to step into the worker process, you can’t use pdb or ipdb, but you can use celery.contrib.rdb:

from celery.contrib import rdb; rdb.set_trace()

When the breakpoint is hit, the Celery worker will pause on the breakpoint and will alert you on STDOUT of a port to connect to. You can open a shell into the container with inv celery (or build) and then use telnet or netcat to connect to the debug process port:

nc 6900

The rdb debugger is similar to pdb, there is no ipdb for remote debugging currently.